If you are a resident or citizen of the USA, please take note that CFD trading is not legal in your country due to strict laws and regulations.
(This does not negatively affect you or stop you from day trading per se, but it is my job to ensure you are not shocked with any surprises!)
The main reason for this is because CFDs are an OTC product (over the counter). OTC products are financial instruments that don't have to go through a regulated, centralized exchange. And if they don't pass through a regulated, centralized exchange, this means the authorities can't make rules or have oversight or control over them.
What this means for you: while the course will talk about regulated brokers to day trade cryptocurrencies with, you might not be able to sign up with the same brokers. You will have to find brokers that serve American clients (they exist!)
If you are an American citizen, trading any sort of CFD - even if it is a Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency CFD - is banned. This means regulated companies can't take you on as a client, but you are still able to trade CFDs with non-regulated companies.
As you probably know, even though the SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) prohibits US citizens from opening and trading on CFD accounts, there are still a ton of USA traders engaging in this type of trading.
Whether they know it or not though, this is actually an "illegal activity".
Will you get in legal trouble, fined, or locked up for trading CFDs? No!
The penalty falls on the companies that allow US citizens access to these products to trade - they would be the ones held liable.
However, as a leader, educator, and authority figure in this space I have a duty to NOT be selling an education product where I encourage Americans - a large student base of mine - to break or circumvent their local securities laws.
What's silly is the whole reason that CFDs are not allowed - that they don't have to be traded through a regulated exchange - is exactly what leaves the loophole open 🤔 As in... now the hordes of Americans that want to trade them will just find an unregulated exchange to do so.
Banning it stops nothing for the individuals who truly want to do it.
Now, if you're an American citizen or resident, you are more than welcome to join to the course, where besides the advanced crypto day trading content, you're guaranteed to still get a ton of value and lots of actionable steps for your financial future and personal success trajectory. With the advanced crypto day trading content, you may have to find some workarounds for brokers. Ask your fellow American traders 😉
This invitation offered to you is not a recommendation to circumvent your local laws and is not a recommendation to open accounts with unregulated brokers.
Your application and joining of the course is acknowledgement you are aware of this and accept this and that the actions you take with our content are your own responsibility.
None of our content is personal advice for you to do or not do anything.
Other than that, I love you! And would love to have you in the course! 🙏🏻
Just doing what I do... looking out for you and being on top of all the things! 💙